OMT can be used to treat and manage a wide scope of complaints. Includes, but not limited to…

  • Head disorders; migraines, trigeminal neuralgia, vertigo, tinnitus, headaches.

  • Sinus disorders

  • Traumatic brain injuries and post-concussive syndromes

    There are 28 bones in the skull. Assessing the biomechanics of cranial bone motion and treating the dysfunctions found, restores structural integrity and therefore allows for optimal functioning of the central nervous system.

  • Sports and repetitive stress injuries;

    OMT is used to help heal the whole body from chronic physical stress, to prevent injuries and help heal injuries quicker. Restoring optimal blood flow, lymphatic drainage, venous drainage and structural integrity. OMT as an integrative treatment helps support athletes recover while they perform at a high athletic level. An OMT session is found to be restorative to the mind and body.

  • Neck and back pain, including scoliosis, pinched nerves, and sciatica

  • Joint pain, including tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, rotator cuff strains/partial tears, rib strains, and hip pain

  • Chronic issues such as fatigue, and rheumatological conditions including fibromyalgia

    Musculoskeletal concerns and pain are the primary complaints for patients seeking osteopathic manipulation. Thorough history taking, structural exam and diagnosis provide a holistic approach to the complaint and allows for treatment of restricted areas and unwind compensatory mechanisms that may be in place.

  • Pregnancy


  • Latching/sucking problems

  • Torticollis and plagiocephaly

  • Reflux and colic

  • Ear infections

  • Difficult or traumatic births

    Newborns and infants are great candidates for OMT as well. Following vaginal or cesarean deliveries, strains and restrictions can occur throughout the body and play a role in various issues. Temporal and occipital bone restriction and compression play a role in susceptibilities to ear infections and sucking/latching difficulties. Treatment is gentle, non-invasive and helps restore a childs optimal function.

  • Breathing (including asthma )

  • Digestive disorders (including reflux and irritable bowel syndrome)

  • Poor sleep

    OMT provides restoration of autonomic nervous system regulation by evaluating the structures that affect the expression of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve. Evaluating the diaphragm is part of the structural exam and treatment. Integrity of the diaphragm plays a large role in lymphatic physiology, vagal nerve stimulation and arterial flow;. Key players in immune function, oxygenation of the tissues, balancing the nervous system and much more.

Who would benefit from Cranial Osteopathy?

Structural evaluation and treatment are recommended, regardless of whether or not there is an underlying complaint.

Osteopathic medicine’s holistic approach and treatment supports the body’s autonomic regulation and self-healing physiology by restoring function to areas of restriction and stagnation.

Those individuals without specific complaints can benefit from evaluation and treatment to enhance the the body’s capacity to heal and recover.

OMM & OMT | Dr. Sylvia Silberman | Paz Osteopathy Medicine

This treatment and approach are intended for patients looking to re-engage the natural health of the body and support the body’s vital flow.

Dr. Sylvia Silberman | OMM & OMT Specialist | Paz Osteopathy Medicine