What to expect

Dr. Silberman begins by asking patients to share their narrative. Then gathers all medical history, including details about birth, nutrition, injuries or traumatic events, physical or emotional trauma. After understanding the patient's narrative, she provides a holistic, whole body structural diagnostic examination and then provides treatment.

Osteopathic physicians are trained to palpate (feel) the body’s tissue textures and fluids, as well as to evaluate structural motion and restrictions.

The art of osteopathic manipulation uses gentle, hands-on manipulative techniques to support the return of motion and balance to areas of restriction, weakness, and disintegration, in an individualized and holistic approach for each and every patient.

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine | Paz Osteopathy Medicine Serving Philadelphia & South Jersey

For Appointment

  • Lay down, breathe and enjoy the treatment. The best time to discuss questions and concerns is prior to starting the treatment session.

  • Wear lightweight clothing. The doctor needs to palpate (feel) through the fabric perform structural examination and treatment. Avoid jeans and other heavyweight material.

  • Remove watches and headphones

  • Turn-off phone

  • Inform doctor if you wear glasses or use contact lenses. Your current prescription could be contributing to strains in your body.

  • Inform doctor if you have any dental work planned. It often impacts body mechanics.

  • Inform doctor if using any other physical medicine (acupuncture, chiropractic care, physical therapy, massage)

  • No alcohol or caffeine recommended after the treatment. Do not engage in strenuous physical activity for 24 hours after treatment.

  • Drink plenty of water after session for the next 24-48 hours.

Examples of modalities used include: cranial osteopathy, counterstain, balanced ligamentous tension, myofascial and visceral release, muscle energy, inhibition, facilitated positional release and biodynamics.